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The Most Hilarious (and Bizarre) Interview Questions Candidates Have Faced

When preparing for a job interview, most candidates expect the usual questions about their experience, strengths, and weaknesses. But every now and then, interviewers throw a curveball that leaves even the most prepared candidates scratching their heads. We’ve gathered some of the most hilarious and bizarre interview questions candidates have faced, along with tips on how to handle these unexpected queries.

1. “If you were a fruit, what kind would you be and why?”

Tip: Don’t overthink it! The interviewer is likely testing your creativity and ability to think on your feet. Choose a fruit that represents a positive trait (e.g., a pineapple for being tough on the outside but sweet on the inside) and explain your choice confidently.


2. “How would you sell hot chocolate in the Sahara Desert?”

Tip: This question is all about showcasing your problem-solving and persuasion skills.  Highlight how you’d market the product in an unconventional way, perhaps by focusing on the novelty factor or targeting a specific niche audience, like tourists.


3. “What would you do if you found a penguin in the office freezer?”

Tip: The key here is to show that you can remain calm under pressure while injecting a bit of humour. You might say, “I’d check if it’s part of a team-building exercise, and if not, I’d make sure it gets safely back to its natural habitat.”


4. “How would you explain a database in three sentences to an eight-year-old?”

Tip: This question tests your ability to simplify complex concepts. Aim for a clear, concise explanation, such as, “A database is like a big digital notebook where you can store information. It’s organized so you can easily find what you need. It helps people keep track of lots of information quickly.”


5. “If you could have any superpower, but only for 24 hours, what would it be and how would you use it?”

Tip: Choose a superpower that aligns with the role you’re applying for or demonstrates desirable qualities, such as teleportation to show efficiency or mind-reading to emphasize empathy and understanding in customer service.


6. “Describe the colour yellow to someone who’s blind.”

Tip: This question assesses your communication skills and empathy. Focus on describing yellow using senses other than sight, like warmth, brightness, and the feeling of the sun on your skin.


7. “Why are manhole covers round?”

Tip: A classic brainteaser, this question tests your logic. The standard answer is that a round cover can’t fall through its opening, unlike a square or rectangular one. It’s also easier to move and align with the hole.


8. “If you were stranded on a deserted island and could only bring three items, what would they be?”

Tip: This is an opportunity to show your personality and prioritize essentials. Choose items that reflect your resourcefulness and practicality, like a multi-tool, a water purifier, and a satellite phone for rescue.


9. “How many basketballs would fit in this room?”

Tip: This question is about estimating and thinking logically. You don’t need to get the exact number, but you should outline your thought process, considering the size of the room and the average size of a basketball.


10. “If you could be any animal for a day, which one would you choose and why?”

Tip: Select an animal that represents qualities relevant to the job. For instance, an eagle might symbolize vision and leadership, while a dolphin could represent teamwork and intelligence.


Handling the Unexpected

When faced with a strange or funny interview question, the best approach is to stay calm, think creatively, and let your personality shine through. These questions are often designed to see how you think on your feet and how well you can handle the unexpected. So, the next time you’re thrown a curveball in an interview, remember to stay confident, be yourself, and most importantly—have fun with it!

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